Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
While other families read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve, at our house, we read "A Corgiville Christmas" by Tasha Tudor. Such a fun nostalgic tale about parties and merriment in the little town of Corgiville. And after the girls have gone to bed, I enjoy watching the video "Take Joy" .... also by Tasha Tudor and one of my all time favorites.
With lower gas prices and my brother Dan home from China, it was tempting to drive to Michigan to be with my family this Christmas. But the weather is always a big unknown, and there is nothing more stressful than driving around Chicago in a snowstorm (unless it's being stranded at O'hara Airport in a snowstorm!) I am sooo glad now that we stayed home - even though it's a bit lonely, we are warm, and safe and the girls provide great companionship. I light lots of candles (way too many candles, according to my Dad), sleep on the couch in the living room in front of the Christmas tree with the girls snuggled up beside me, and enjoy watching many of the concerts on PBS. That has become our little tradition. Tomorrow I will make a ham dinner and we'll go to the park. This morning I took my snowshoes and there was hardly anyone there. The snow is a little deep for the girls right now though, and I had to pull Princess up out of a snowbank a couple of times. Tim goes cross country skiing with Elvis, but when I've tried it with the girls, it seems like there is just too much equipment (poles, long skis) and I'm always running into them.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Blizzard Bloggings
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Time to GET UP!
My girls amaze me with how much they understand. Often, when I talk to them, they will cock their head slightly to the side in a quizzical expression, as if to say, "I'm really trying to understand but you're using words I don't know." They understand phrases like "go potty", "go for a walk", "go to the park", of course, but there are many other expressions they understand as well. One of them is, "it's time to get up". Over the years they have both slept with me at different times, but I got to the point where it had to be one or the other, but not both. They would wedge me in from opposite sides, and I couldn't roll over or move much at all. And I need at least a little space when I sleep!
Last summer, Princess took a liking to the basement where it's cooler, and she is still sleeping down there most nights. Dee Dee sleeps with me, and we enjoy a little snuggle time in the morning, until I realize I've hit 'snooze' one time too many, and say, "It's time to get up!" Dee Dee springs to life and jumps off the bed. Then I say, "Go tell Princess it's time to get up" and she bolts down the stairs, pokes Princess with her nose and runs back up with Princess close behind. If Princess doesn't follow her, she runs back down, pokes her again and barks. It always makes me laugh!
Last summer, Princess took a liking to the basement where it's cooler, and she is still sleeping down there most nights. Dee Dee sleeps with me, and we enjoy a little snuggle time in the morning, until I realize I've hit 'snooze' one time too many, and say, "It's time to get up!" Dee Dee springs to life and jumps off the bed. Then I say, "Go tell Princess it's time to get up" and she bolts down the stairs, pokes Princess with her nose and runs back up with Princess close behind. If Princess doesn't follow her, she runs back down, pokes her again and barks. It always makes me laugh!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Daily Corgi Fix
I don't go many places without my girls, and I haven't taken a vacation without them since 2003. But I had to leave them at home this time,
and I missed them a lot. Elvis has never paid much attention to me; mostly because he associates me with Dee Dee, I think. (She is his sibling and unfortunately, is quite a bully when he's around.) The first night of our trip, Elvis eyed me suspiciously and thoroughly checked out my luggage, like he was afraid she was hiding in it somewhere. But over the next two weeks he warmed up to me quite a bit, and by the end of the trip, he sat on my lap and even snuggled with me in bed. There is no doubt who is #1 in his life, however.
He and Tim have a relationship that is truly extraordinary, and it is not uncommon to see the two of them having a 'conversation' as these pictures show. Elvis watches and listens to Tim so intently and his loyalty is something to behold. Tim is on sabbatical this semester and has been traveling around the country with Elvis, doing their "Do Dogs Know Calculus" talk.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Favorite Places
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I woke up this morning to the news that Vermont and upstate New York were buried under two feet of snow yesterday! To think that a mere two weeks ago we were there basking in sunshine, 60+ degree temperatures and glorious colors makes me realize, once again, how incredibly blessed we were.
After we saw Niagra Falls, we traveled straight through to Vermont, and then slowly worked our way back. Vermont lived up to it's reputation as an absolutely beautiful state, and also as a very liberal one, politically. Obama signs were everywhere. And there were many other signs of it's
leftward leaning as well. We had several unique experiences there. This picture of Daniel was taken in the Brattleboro, VT home of Nobel prize winning author Rudyard Kipling (author of The Jungle Book, among other notable works). A family friend had rented the home for the week, and we spent two nights there. It was really fun! There is a delicatessen in Brattleboro that is to die for (albeit expensive).
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Niagra Falls
I've had a few people ask when I'm going to post some more vacation photos so I'll upload a few each day this week. I flew in and out of Buffalo, so we went to Niagra Falls the first day. We often stopped there when I was growing up, on our way to Schenectady to see grandparents, but I had forgotten just how majestic it is! You can see the foam and spray from at least a mile away. These pictures are from Niagra State Park on the US side - which is lovely. However, the views of the falls are even nicer from the Canadian side.
I didn't get over there this year, but my brothers went there after they dropped me off at the airport on the last day. Tim and Elvis had done their 'Do Dogs Know Calculus' presentation at a highschool in Buffalo that morning and they had another talk lined up in Flint, MI late in the afternoon. They thought they had time to stop at the falls after they passed through customs - and so they did. Time got away from them, (i.e. I wasn't there to keep them on schedule) and when they got back to their car and checked the mileage, they realized they weren't going to make it to Flint by 4:00. However, the school in Flint had already done some rearranging of their day to fit Tim and Elvis in, and he didn't think he could just call them up and say, "Uh ... we went to Niagra Falls and lost track of the time ... and now we aren't coming". So they got in the car, asked Elvis to calculate the shortest time to get from Buffalo to Flint, and (from what I've heard) set a new world record. I'm so glad I wasn't a part of that drama; after such an enjoyable, stress-free vacation, it would have been a pity to end it with such a tension-filled day. A few extra minutes getting through US Customs, or getting pulled over for speeding (which they were definitely doing) could have cooked their goose, but they made it - with 10 minutes to spare!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A New England Vacation without the Girls
I just returned from a lovely and very relaxing New England vacation with my 2 brothers. Tim, a college professor, is on sabbatical this semester and Daniel, who lives in Asia, has returned to the US for the next year. So we decided to take advantage of the flexibility in their schedules and do a trip together.
It has been over 5 years since I've taken a trip without my girls, and I missed them terribly. I hired in-home care for them while I gone (fearing that Dee Dee would never survive in a kennel) and I knew it would be especially hard on her. Princess is much more resilient about things like that. I
really thought that Dee Dee would eventually warm up to the young man who came over to feed and walk them every day, but I under-estimated either her stubborness, or her devotion to me; probably both! She refused to even go out of the house for the better part of the first week and even after two full weeks, Logan only succeeded in getting her to go out in the yard to go potty. When he tried to coax her into a walk, she'd pull out of her collar and run right back to our front door. Endearing; but frustrating.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Case of the Missing Buns

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Elvis on CNN
Tim and Elvis are on a college speaking tour of the Midwest this week, and we just found out that CNN picked up the story done by a local news crew in Beloit, WI. It's a great little piece. I love the girl at the end who says (somewhat unconvincingly), "I guess if Elvis can do calculus, I should be able to get through it." I hope she has an easier professor than Tim is.
Click here and enjoy.
Click here and enjoy.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Properly Trained ....

In August of 2001 Tim came out to visit us in Minnesota and had no intention whatsoever of going home with a dog. But Elvis was living in a home with a female person and 4 female corgis .... and they spent a lot of time with me (another female person) and my two female corgis. I don't know if he was just growing tired of being the only 'guy' among so many women or if there was something about Tim that attracted him (some of both, I think) but Elvis latched on to Tim that weekend and claimed him as his own.
This picture was taken that weekend; Elvis staking his claim and looking down at all the girls with an air of superiority. There were a few challenges involved in getting Elvis a plane ticket but eventually it all came together and several days later Elvis flew back to Michigan with Tim. I'll never forget that morning .... making a hasty run to our veterinarian to get the 'fit to fly' document .... then going to the airport and watching Elvis move down the conveyer belt in his kennel, just as contented as he could be. He knew he was going home with Tim, and if this was part of the process, then so be it. He never looked back. Tim, however, did look back a few times when it became clear that the 1 year old Elvis was not yet through the puppy-chewing stage. Several rocking chairs still sit in Tim's living room, runners mostly gone, as a reminder of those early days. But the love affair between man and dog took root. Elvis is quite different from my girls in that he is a 'one man dog'.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
So Long to Summer

So long to summer. It was a good one .... not too hot, but warm enough to enjoy the lakes and evening walks along the river. I will miss the long daylight hours and being able to run around barefoot. Before long the leaves will start turning and with each one that falls, it is a wave goodbye to summer.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Ahhh .... Vacation!
The girls and I have been vacationing in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for the past week and are having a wonderful time. The weather has been absolutely perfect, which makes camping a whole lot more enjoyable. It's actually been a bit cool at night, but hey ... I'll take 'too cool' over 'too hot' any day!
We have been mostly alone, but last Sunday I ran into a college friend who I hadn't seen in about 10 years at a picnic spot! Very fun!! The next day I connected with my brother Tim, who was traveling with a couple of his students, and Elvis, of course. We spent a day exploring the Keewenaw Peninsula ... one corner of the UP I hadn't really 'done' before. The girls have been swimming constantly. Dee Dee, especially, can't get enough of it and even the big waves on Lake Superior don't seem to phase her.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Two Kinds of Corgis

Friday, July 18, 2008
It's Street Fair Time!
This is one of my favorite weekends of the year ... the annual Fargo Street Fair. Many communities have some kind of craft fair during the summer, but I think ours is one of the best. There are a few vendors that I check out every year, but also some great new ones. There's the giant bag of kettle corn that I can't leave without (you can get a small bag for $5 or a giant bag for $8 ... kind of a no-brainer! ) and the turkey drumsticks that you stand in line 20 minutes for. There are the musicians and street performers ... we saw a guy on stilts so high that he had to walk around the traffic lights when he crossed the street! But I think the best part is running into friends that I haven't seen since last year's event, and just 'hanging out' and watching people. Princess and Dee Dee would not rank the Street Fair high on their list .... there are just too many people who stop to pet them and Dee Dee, in particular, hates 'commotion' ... something there is an abundance of at the Street Fair. But they fared quite well last night ... a two-dog cleanup team happily munching their way down Broadway, picking up popcorn, bits of burger, hot dog or pork chop, dropped french fries .... and anything else they caught wind of. (There are advantages to having your nose so close to the ground!) There have been many years where it's either rained - or just been too hot to be squeezed amongst so many bodies, booths, dogs and strollers, but this year the weather has been perfect. I think we'll go again tonight ... not to shop, but just to hang out and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of a summertime tradition.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Fourth of July!

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