Thursday, July 31, 2008
Two Kinds of Corgis

Friday, July 18, 2008
It's Street Fair Time!
This is one of my favorite weekends of the year ... the annual Fargo Street Fair. Many communities have some kind of craft fair during the summer, but I think ours is one of the best. There are a few vendors that I check out every year, but also some great new ones. There's the giant bag of kettle corn that I can't leave without (you can get a small bag for $5 or a giant bag for $8 ... kind of a no-brainer! ) and the turkey drumsticks that you stand in line 20 minutes for. There are the musicians and street performers ... we saw a guy on stilts so high that he had to walk around the traffic lights when he crossed the street! But I think the best part is running into friends that I haven't seen since last year's event, and just 'hanging out' and watching people. Princess and Dee Dee would not rank the Street Fair high on their list .... there are just too many people who stop to pet them and Dee Dee, in particular, hates 'commotion' ... something there is an abundance of at the Street Fair. But they fared quite well last night ... a two-dog cleanup team happily munching their way down Broadway, picking up popcorn, bits of burger, hot dog or pork chop, dropped french fries .... and anything else they caught wind of. (There are advantages to having your nose so close to the ground!) There have been many years where it's either rained - or just been too hot to be squeezed amongst so many bodies, booths, dogs and strollers, but this year the weather has been perfect. I think we'll go again tonight ... not to shop, but just to hang out and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of a summertime tradition.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Elvis!
Dee Dee and Elvis are litter mates, but they were born a day apart ... just before and just after midnight. Dee Dee is really glad she doesn't have to share a birthday with Elvis; there's a healthy dose of sibling rivalry between them and she feels like she's living in his shadow anyway! I haven't written much about Elvis on this blog (he lives with my brother in Holland, Michigan) but I will try to post some stories about him in the coming weeks. He is quite the dog ... I mean, how many dogs do you know who have an honorary doctorate degree?! (See November, 2007 posts for more .... ) Tim and Elvis are going to receive yet another award later this month. See http://www.hope.edu/pr/pressreleases/content/view/full/18897pr/pressreleases/content/view/full/18897 for details on that. Today, however, we just want to wish Dr. Elvis a happy birthday and share a few of his funnier photos. Seems the boy likes ice cream.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Dee Dee
Dee Dee, who turns 8 years old today, will always be my baby. She has more grey than either Princess or I do, but those bright eyes, her zest for life and desire to please endeared her to me from the day I brought her home (in spite of the fact that she walked in the front door, went straight to the middle of the living room carpet and peed!) After I had Princess a few months I realized that I never again wanted to come home to an empty house. I thought that I'd get a second dog when Princess was 6 or 7 years old (approximately half-way through her life expectancy). But then, a few months later, I found out about Dee Dee.
She was only 8 months old and had already been in four different homes that hadn't worked out for various reasons. She was completely irresistable and I took her home 'on approval'. There were days I wondered about my decision. I wanted so badly to keep her, but she and Princess fought a lot that first summer. She was very insecure, but as the months went by and she realized she finally had a permanent home, the fights became much less frequent. Dee Dee is a very compliant dog; not particularly strong willed (unless she sees a rabbit). She loves her kennel, likes to hang out the car window when she rides, get tummy rubs and be told she is a 'good girl'. She is an awesome snuggler, and very in tune to people's moods. If I'm feeling sad, she will pick up on that right away, come over and put her chin on my knee and look up at me with big, sad eyes. My two corgis are on opposite extremes of the personality continuum! "Dee Dee", by the way, is short for Detour Dierdra (so named because the white on her back does a detour off to one side). She has a larger bone structure than Princess, so people always think she's the older of the two, but Princess is actually her aunt. Dee Dee's birthday wish list includes going to the park to chase rabbits, going swimming, then to the Dairy Queen and home for a tummy rub. Happy birthday, sweet girl!
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