The past several months have been consumed with caring for my parents who are struggling with some serious health issues. I have traveled to Michigan by train, by plane and most recently by car, which meant the girls got to come along. They have always been good travelers, but they were on 'off the charts'
good behavior this time. I am convinced that they picked up on my stress and decided to be extra good. Dee Dee, who has not been able to be in the same room with her brother Elvis for years without snarling at him, got along with him fabulously. Last year, I had to keep a muzzle on her when we went to the beach, but not this time. Princess endeared herself to my Mom by sleeping with her, pressing up against her back and giving her comfort while Dad was in the hospital. The condominium where my
folks live does not allow dogs, so we had to be somewhat discreet in our comings and goings. I made sure they got out for a good walk or swim each evening, and they were content to be left alone all day. A mom couldn't be more proud!
The girls continue to amaze me with their understanding of new words and fairly complex problem solving. Yesterday we were playing with a Frisbee on a paved parking lot. It's nearly impossible for them to pick up a Frisbee when it is on a hard surface that doesn't give like the grass does. But Dee Dee figured out how to push the Frisbee up against the curb so that the bottom lifted up just slightly and then she could grab it. Smart girl!
Elvis kept us in stitches with his stick obsession. I could be waayyyy down the beach with my girls and if I lifted up a stick, he'd come charging down towards us, then complain loudly when the girls didn't play by 'his rules'. He's hilarious.