I haven't updated our blog much this year. For the past 30 years I've been blessed with good health, good relationships, a good job, a strong and vibrant faith, a wonderful community in which to live and of course, my precious fur-babies. There have been some bumps along the way .... a broken relationship in 2007, the death of my parents in 2011, a few health scares and the loss of my first two corgis. But this past year, my world was turned upside down when a couple of TIAs (mini strokes) ended my 20 year passion with rubber stamping and the friendships that went along with it. I fully recovered from the TIAs and have no limitations at all, but before I even got out of the hospital, I received notice that I'd been replaced by a home-school Mom who was closer (in age and lifestyle) to the rest of the group. It was devastating.
I am immensely grateful to those who have stood by me and walked alongside me. I have some truly wonderful friends who went 'over and above' and never wavered in their support of me through this painful transition. My co-workers at KFNW (both our local and network staff) have stood by me as well. I am blessed.
Scarlett and Zak have 'been there' for me too. On days when my heart was breaking, they quietly snuggled up beside me and licked my tears. On days when I had a bit more energy, they gave me a reason to get out and move. I wouldn't have made it through this year without them.
have put Scarlett and Zak in doggie daycare more often this year. They LOVE it, and when we turn down the dirt road leading to Yuppy Puppy, Scarlett squeals with delight. When I go to pick them up, Zak often hides under the desk. They just got to spend a whole week there so that I could go to North Carolina to spend Christmas with dear friends. They'll get to go there again for THREE weeks in February when I go to China. They get good 'report cards' for behavior and getting along with the other dogs. They could not be more different than my girls!
Christmas through the eyes of a child |
What is more exciting than a new bike?! |
Toddlers don't notice or care about dementia. It's all love. |
I enter 2017 with many question marks. I try to imagine where I will be a year from now. I have life changing decisions to face; all of them difficult, with no guarantees that any will bring healing. I try to focus on things to look forward to in the short term (like my trip to China) and not plan too far beyond that. I don't know what is ahead, and take a day at a time. 2016 was a year to survive. I am hoping that a year from now, I will be looking back on 2017 as a year to thrive.
The Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, NC |