We have now lived in Indiana for almost two months, the house is
almost done, I started a new job this week and I'm meeting and making
new friends. I have a large yard and want Scarlett and Zak to enjoy
it without fear of getting into the street or my neighbor's lot so I put
in an underground dog fence, which is wonderful.
At Indiana Dunes State Park
the month of October, to get a little break from unpacking, we visited
'31 parks in 31 days'. Despite rather disappointing weather (we had
over 10 inches of rain in October), we managed to stay on track. There
were several 'all day rains' so we doubled up a few times - but not too
many. We never got to the local dog park because it is a membership
only park (and quite expensive) but we found plenty of places to run off
leash and just play. I also found several gorgeous gardens, and
several large county parks. We went to Indiana Dunes Lakeshore one
day, and the end of the month we got to "Corgis in the Park" - a corgi
meet up event at Rivershore Park in Grand Rapids that attracts up to 300
dogs and their owners each year. That happened to be one of the "all
day rains" and we didn't get there until afternoon but still had a lot
of fun. We'll go again next year for sure, and hope to catch the one
in Indianapolis too. I have a running list of at least 31
more parks to visit next Spring and Summer. We can hardly wait!
Here are some of our favorite photos from "31 parks in 31 days"!
A fun day with my friend Patti from North Carolina |
S&Z at Krider Gardens |
Krider Gardens in Middlebury |
Corgis in the Park - Grand Rapids, MI |
We needed our corgi umbrella and Lands End rain slickers this day! |
I took Scarlett and Zak to Huizinga Park
in Zeeland - adjoining Royal Park Place
where my parents spent their retirement
years. This was the last place my Mom
ever went -and we took Princess, Dee Dee
and Elvis there many times. Good memories. |
Pulaski Park in Elkhart was one of my favorites |
Fidler Pond is a great little walk in Goshen. My
biggest problem was keeping Scarlett from
rolling in the goose poop. |
Indiana Dunes State Park |