We're enjoying a beautiful Fall. The second weekend in October and temps are in the 80's. Love it! A last taste of summer. The only down side of the warm weather is bugs; boxelder bugs, flies, yellow jackets and Japanese lady beetles ... the kind that bite! Ouch. But as long as I can keep them out of the house, they're tolerable.
Last weekend we went to Park Rapids and Itasca State Park. It was a lovely day and there were some nice splashes of color here and there, but the trees were nowhere near their peak color yet. This weekend we stayed closer to home. After delivering a meal to some friends who recently lost a child, we drove along the Sheyenne River, walked a couple of trails and ended up at Rendezvous Park in West Fargo. I had been there once before, in the winter, and it was nice even then, but today it was gorgeous. There is a little lake, a lovely little stream and waterfall and beautiful foliage. I was needing to get some Fall photos for our 2016 calendar ... and I got them! I let Scarlett and Zak swim, chase after a ball and then they were quite willing to pose for me. A successful photo shoot.