Monday, January 7, 2008

January Thaw

Happy New Year! Life got busy with the holidays and here we are, a full week into 2008 already. My mathematician brother explained to me one time why the years seem to go faster, the older you get. It's because every year becomes a smaller percentage of your entire life, and since it is relatively smaller, it seems to go by faster. That makes sense to me.

We've been enjoying a wonderful January thaw .... temps above freezing the past few days (highly unusual) and sunshine to boot. It's been great. The girls and I enjoyed several nice walks over the weekend with our friend Susan and her corgis.  I found out that Uggs are great when it's bitterly cold (they'll keep your feet warm in any temperature) but not so great when the snow turns slushy. I came home with very wet feet yesterday, and my boots are still drying out. For the dogs, the slushy snow is even harder to push their bodies through than light fluffy snow. Think about it. If you had to walk through wet snow that was up to your hips, that's what it's like for them. But they love it. After a few hours rest, they are quite stiff. I gave them each a baby aspirin last night and that seemed to help. Anyway, it was good to play in the snow and we took some pictures of our brood.  

1 comment:

Amy said...

Just a general message that I've enjoyed your blog today. This is my first visit, but I'll be back for sure!